Hi all, my spouse entered the UK February 2019. She became pregnant then me she wanted to visit family in Pakistan After 2 months in the UK I paid for her to go and supported her whilst she was there. Upon her arrival she went straight to her sisters home and went to a women refugee centre. I did not know at the time, she stopped talking to me whenever I went to her sister home to pick her up she would go upstairs and her sister would say allow her stay another night I did. After a week she degraded me in front of her family members and slapped me. I went away returned and tried to sort things ugh another family but she had become abusive. Little did I know she had attended this women refugee centre and reports falsely to home office of DV. The baby was born she did not allow me to see him and returned any gifts I sent. She went onto applying for a non molestation order when I found out she had got her ILR based on DV. I managed to get a court finding no DV has occurred. I am in the process of getting the transcript for the hearing and will look to give it to the the Home Office. I do not know if home office will act. I have reported it to the MP who is happy to support me To get a parliament ombudsman. Further she has put in for divorce proceedings with the same claims so she can use legal aid Even though it’s already been found there was no domestic violence. I have further requested a dna for the child which she has been refusing.
after my application to the home office how long should I wait until I apply to the parliamentary ombudsman?
how long do the home office take to act if they do?
is there any specialist lawyer I could approach who’s dealt with this sort of issues?
They come prepared and take advantage of the DDV Concession visa which was brought about to help real British DV victims. The refuges get lots of funding from the government so they don't question and even help them to fill out the forms, pay their fees, nor do they have to pass the English language test, they get free housing and social security, etc. The Home Office is aware of this scam but told me they err on the side of caution when granting foreign spouses permanent visas. Until this loophole is plugged, along with the anchor children, this scam will keep going.
Yes I had a look theres over 600 cases a year compared to other countries who had 10-30. It’s a horrible set of affairs. I mean when you grow up as a British Pakistani being born here your explained about culture. When you go over and you think wow these people follow well and be great to have culture embedded into my kids too and they become like complete angels when you meet the people there. But when they’re come over nope they’re thinking on a complete different wavelength what’s the quickest way to get the visa jump onto the benefit system and claim a council home. Where we think about we pay into the system so it improves standard of living
One of my members told me there is a Portal where Pakistanis can report their spouses and other misdeeds on. I think she needs to be tracked in Pakistan. People need to be warned how detrimental these fraudulent Marriages are to British Pakistanis.
Yes I will look to send everything together I’m just waiting for this court bundle to arrive hopefully end of the week then will look to process it. Do you know how long I should expect a response roughly?
Will send dv doc to you when next on my pc. Can't do it from my phone.
Send the police confirmation to the Home Office.
Remember also that she would have involved the police. So get a letter from them (some forces let you fill out a form) confirming no charges were brought against you. Some forces will charge around £35. This you can send to the Home Office. Email me and I will send you a paper I wrote explaining about false DV accusation. It's over 60+ pages.
You are not alone. Most solicitors only know about how to help people to remain in the UK. False accusation of DV is very common in these cases as the Home Office do not inform you under GDPR rules that a false DV claim has been made against you. Only if you become aware this was happening you will have a three months' window to withdraw your sponsorship. If you can prove she lied to get her ILR you may be able to get this revoked. Having a child helps her. Insist on that DNA test as you don't want to maintain a child for 18 years if it's not yours.
Try posting on our Facebook page and see what advice you get. Immigration Marriage Fraud UK - Fight to Stop It.
Please join the website free as there are lots of information on there, which hopefully, may answer most of your questions. There are also some solicitors listed but you must do your own research and ask the right questions before you agree to hire them. As for a DNA, you must have this done as she will be expecting maintenance for the child which may not be yours. Also get social services involved. Write to the Legal Aid board as she will be expecting free legal advice based on domestic violence. Seek professional advice and take as much knowledge from this site. Good luck.